Time to recover

3D Holographic Signage for Offices & Buildings

Rethink your corporate and building space with 3D holographic signage

Use Holographic Blades to create a high powered and immersive experience for the employees and impress your clients, customers and vendors with impactful 3D visuals. Holographic Blades provides next-generation holographic signage, which has proven to be the most effective and engaging medium for communication

Transform your vision into action to recover faster

To position themselves for the long term and stay ahead of the competition in the new normal, businesses must radically rethink their income profiles and strategies. Companies must ADAPT in order to do this.

Facilitate new deals

In order to build stronger emotional connections between the visitors and your brand or product, you must engage and deliver a positive approach. Display your clients’ logos in your meeting rooms to help you remember who they are and to facilitate future collaboration.

Promote product and services

Demonstrate and exhibit your products and services with an immersive visual experience that captivates viewers and elicits strong emotional responses.

Create an atmosphere

Build relationships with your employees and guests by providing an unforgettable in-office visual experience that can’t be recreated digitally.

Enhance your building

Build your brand, distinguish it from the competition, and boost its perceived value. Align your company’s image with innovation to improve your client’s brand recognition.

Inform about the rules and safety measures

Ascertain that critical public safety information is received. Visitors will feel more at ease if you emphasise that social safety is a top focus.

Strengthen HR brand

Increase your employees’ loyalty by providing an emotional boost. Inform your employees with important corporate news and changes, and celebrate successes in a memorable way.

The Total Solution

Holographic Blades offers a full system, which comprises hardware, administration software, and tools for the creation of 3D content.

Ready to transform your retail space?

Request for more information so as to see what more Holographic Blades can offer to its clientele and customers!